加拿大 Implied Status 隐含身份

问 “如果学签在4月30日到期,我已经在3月底在加拿大移民官网上递交了申请,但直到5月1号我还是未收到结果,我是否能继续留在加拿大呢?”
根据加拿大移民法R183(5) -  “可以”
Subject to subsection (5.1), if a temporary resident has applied for an extension of the period authorized for their stay and a decision is not made on the application by the end of the period authorized for their stay, the period is extended until

(a) the day on which a decision is made, if the application is refused; or
(b) the end of the new period authorized for their stay, if the application is allowed.

临时居民(留学生,旅游,探亲,工人)在申请延长其逗留权时,如果他们的逗留期限已经过期且申请还未收到结果,他们可以在加拿大境内等待直到有结果为止。在此期间,申请人被视为具有“隐含身份”Implied Status的临时居民。


加拿大移民局对 Implied Status 定义
If a visitor, student or foreign worker applies to extend their status, before that status expires, they can legally remain in Canada until a decision is made on the application. In this situation, the person has implied status.
处于隐含身份 Implied Status 是否可以回国?
隐含身份仅适用于在加拿大的申请人。如果在加拿大的临时居民以隐含身份离境,必须持有在有效内的VISA (小签)才能再次入境。也就是说,如果您的大签(study permit,学生许可证)在4月30号到期,您有急事必须在5月5日回国,且您已经在境内申请了study permit的延期。在您小签(VISA)还有效的情况下,您是可以回国的。但强烈建议您准备好延期申请的证明。



电话(加)514 9986532,微信 YangChen5149986532

上一篇:关于境内旅转学的小签问题 下一篇:非大牛的麦吉尔学习日志